Richard McDiarmid - Painted Light Art

Richard McDiarmid Bio Image

Since the 1970’s this artist’s award-winning paintings have been exhibited in solo shows and group shows in Canada and the US and international exchange shows in Europe and Britain – ex. The Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours. Years of peer group participation include, the Federation of Canadian Artists (SFCA), the Northwest Watercolor Society (NWWS), the prestigious B.C. artist’s peer group Painters at Painter’s and the Calgary Stampede Artists Studios.

As a signature member (SFCA) of the Federation of Canadian Artists, his service activities have included positions at the board level, VP level, and contributions to workshop and educational programs. Examples of his paintings and articles have appeared in publications such as Art Avenue and International Artist’s Magazine.

He is respected as an instructor and mentor to emerging as well as established artists and has facilitated many workshops in Canada, US, Britain, France and Spain.

Richard McDiarmid’s paintings can be found in commercial galleries and corporate and private collections in many countries worldwide.