Reflections on 2022

Some reflections on 2022… The calendar may have moved to January 2023 but I am personally still processing our most recent trip around the sun. As appreciative as I am, I never want to take any of this for granted. I have so many things, both personal and professional that I am grateful for. Grateful for our customers who choose to deal with a small family-owned and operated brick and mortar store instead of shopping online. Grateful for our amazing …

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Looking Back at 2021

Reflecting on 2021. It was a tough year for so many, and when we struggled I kept repeating to myself, “my whole town didn’t burn to the ground” and later in the year, “my whole town isn’t underwater. While we struggled along with the rest of the world with supply chain issues, we remained and continue to remain optimistic. We found suppliers who had product on hand, and made several successful pivots. Overall we have much to be grateful for! …

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